Order Form for Laughing Cat Records
Thanks for your interest in our music. Please use this form for
ordering CD and Cassette
releases from Laughing Cat Records. Simply print this form from
your web browser, fill it
out and mail it to us with a check or money order.
NAME ________________________________________________________
ADDRESS _____________________________________________________
CITY, STATE, ZIP ______________________________________________
River Crossing by Al Jewer - CD ($15)........................__________
Music of the Native American Flute
Two Trees by Al Jewer & Andy Mitran - CD ($15).......__________
World Music with Native American and Silver Flute.
Features David Darling, Vinnie Zummo and more...
Prairie Plain Song by Al Jewer - CD ($15)..................__________
A Flute Meditiation
Prairie Plain Song, Cassette ($10)...............................__________
Feather on the Wind by Cedar Wind - CD ($15)..........__________
Music of the Native American Flute
Feather on the Wind, Cassette ($10)............................__________
Kindred Spirits by Cedar Wind - CD ($15)..................__________
Songs of the Native American Flute
Kindred Spirits, Cassette ($10)....................................__________
Postage and Handling ($1 per unit)..............................__________
Order Total..................................................................__________
Please make checks payable to: Laughing Cat Records
Mail to:
Laughing Cat Records
11537 Walnut Lane
Fort Atkinson, WI 53538
Toll Free (888) 523-2287
Email: lafcat@lafcat.com